假日亂翻書,《Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe》: 摘錄: In the earliest known version, the story claimed that the emperor ‘used to say, that he spoke Spanish to his God, Italian to courtiers,French to his ladies and German to his horse’. In variants of the story, he speaks German to his enemies or to his soldiers, French to his friends, Italian to ladies, and English to the birds. In the early version of the story,French is presented as a female language, but in a later version, the female language is Italian. 這段,就很吳儂軟語vs東北鄉音。 As for Shakespeare, he coined some seventeen hundred neolo-gisms, derived in the main from Latin, and about two-thirds of these, from‘antipathy’ to ‘vast’, were accepted into the language. years between 1590 and 1609, when some six thousand terms were added to the language. 漢語能出現這種幾千個詞的短時期爆發嗎?貌似不能。這其實談不到機動性,一個純潔性就關注點太多了。雖然歐洲從來也不乏堅持法語純潔,清除垃圾語言啥啥的。 Estienne quoted the same proverb in an amplified form: ‘the Italians sigh, the Spaniards groan, the Germans howl
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