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AI achieves silver-medal standard solving International Mathematical Olympiad problemsPublished

Breakthrough models AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry 2 solve advanced reasoning problems in mathematics
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) with advanced mathematical reasoning has the potential to unlock new frontiers in science and technology.

We’ve made great progress building AI systems that help mathematicians discover new insights, novel algorithms and answers to open problems. But current AI systems still struggle with solving general math problems because of limitations in reasoning skills and training data.

Today, we present AlphaProof, a new reinforcement-learning based system for formal math reasoning, and AlphaGeometry 2, an improved version of our geometry-solving system. Together, these systems solved four out of six problems from this year’s International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), achieving the same level as a silver medalist in the competition for the first time.



今天看了龍應台和Fei-Fei Li一次對談講座,雖然對AI的進化,幾個月前的視頻已經落伍。AI取代作家,儘管Fei-Fei Li還在收著說,相信她是認同作家會被取代的。至於教育,這一輪AI,如其所說,可謂人類盜火神界,火可以烤製出美食使得人類進化,也會燒灼人身毀滅無數草屋;當年我們最終控住了,這一輪,如之何?

剛剛Sam Altman發Who will control the future of AI?》,發給學生。
These authoritarian regimes and movements will keep a close hold on the technology’s scientific, health, educational and other societal benefits to cement their own power. If they manage to take the lead on AI, they will force U.S. companies and those of other nations to share user data, leveraging the technology to develop new ways of spying on their own citizens or creating next-generation cyberweapons to use against other countries.

